- https://www.tiktok.com/@theonlycamera_man/video/7234656620129799470
- 05-18-2023
(pretty sure this is nothing but this was the first video where his voice did the deep and creepy overlap
along with a glitch in his video, and the reason why was because he was talking about breaking youtube by
posting a short every hour) The name of the video was “The Camera-man breaks the internet”
- https://www.tiktok.com/@theonlycamera_man/video/724313907773286327
06-10-2023 #
(1. He learns about the camera men vs skibity toilet war.
(2. He didn't know that they couldn't travel the multiverse like TheCameraMan can.
(3. We find out that CM summoned this Cafe to “The end” then proceeds to comment about how he never told us that.
Throughout the entire video he sounds curious about the information that was given. Then at the end he gets somewhat
serious when he talks about the cafe. (Curious tone: I also don't get how it's a struggle. Like, can they not travel
the multiverse like I can? Am I the strongest CameraMan?? Serious (ish) tone: I mean, I did summon a Cafe to the end.
Oh wait, I never told you about that, did I? *mini chuckle* Just be sure to like, subscribe, and Smile for the
CameraMan” >:) (Mf said it like it was a threat… hell it probably was T-T)
(4. At the end of the video, the numbers “18.16” can be seen with a saturated black and white CameraMan and behind
it was 3 white hexagons. 2 are on the top left and right and the 3rd is beneath the two in the middle)

- The name of this video was “INTO THE CAMERAVERSE: The great toilet war”
- https://www.tiktok.com/@theonlycamera_man/video/7274281176641113390
- 09-02-2023 (DUPLICATE)
(The first question answered glitched to the same saturated image with the hexagons. However, this time there were
words that said “ego numquam finiendum” which translates to “i will never leave you” (a moderator confirmed it).
(The question was “What's with the camera character, and the setting of the background?” and CM said “And if you really
must know it-” then cuts to the image.
Another question later on was “If I were to remove your camera lens, what would I see? And his answer was "Quantum wiring.
Y'know universal shit that allows me to travel where ever I want to, whenever I want to and change whatever the fuck I want
to" oh so casually)

- The name of the video was “Answering your weird questions”
- https://www.tiktok.com/@theonlycamera_man/video/7279187295788485931
- 09-15-2023
(This video was CM reacting to some questions that the roblox streamer) (I genuinely have no clue what to
put in this one) (At the end he says “And this entire time, you thought that you were dealing with the average man”.
He then starts laughing like a maniac (to the point where his voice goes all distorted) and then the screen glitches
and you see what is below this text (At the end of it the saturated image of him with the 3 hexagons in the back along
with the same words “ego numquam finiendum”)

The name of that video was “He's been one step ahead the whole time…”
- https://www.tiktok.com/@theonlycamera_man/video/7283886504605158702
- 09-28-2023 (DUPLICATE)
(This video was from when CM was reacting to the roblox streamer “cleaning up” his room. Throughout the video CM just points
out how the streamer is doing more talking and giving a tour of his life than cleaning his room)
(at the end when CM realized what the roblox guy was doing, the entire void turned into what actually felt like a void. Also
this mother fucker literally just says that the channel is an arg)

- The title of that video was “He knows what 's doing... and its working”
- https://www.tiktok.com/@theonlycamera_man/video/7286278858138078506
10-04-2023 #
(This seems like a backstory on how TheCameraMan was first discovered by a bunch of humans that were experimenting
on things they shouldn't have access to.
The name of the video was “+Contact-”
1. As they are doing said process we can see what i think are faces
Once they see CM, the researcher says “We've made contact, with… with the entity…”
2. They call CameraMan “CE01”. And that it “has been found”
3. CameraMan starts to copy everything that the human is saying (everything
underlined here is when the entity is saying the exact thing the researcher is
“He's…Not saying anything- what? What?! ...He can talk, he can- He Can Talk! Its repeating everything I'm saying!
It's as if he's…heard it all before…Like
he's running off some kind of script”
Images of what I think are faces below

- https://www.tiktok.com/@theonlycamera_man/video/7286651409620061483
10-05-2023 #
(1. CM gives this researcher an illusion of what would happen if they actually came out of this alive and
reported this to his co-workers or boss. (everything underlined is the (maybe) boss talking to that researcher)
(Also throughout this video, the audio sounds like it's through an old tv; also the video gets distorted and
slow every now and then.)
“I could've Sworn I told you to stop this division of research” “I- I- I- know sir but, please, you Have to
understand. This is history in front of us.
This is the answers to everything that was, is, and ever will be. When will we ever get the chance to see
something like this-” “We never even should have the chance in the FIRST PLACE, don't you understand?!”
*gets pulled out of the illusion* then immediately says “So that's what's gonna happen if I tell them about you.
I can't tell anybody about you. Not a single person…They wouldn't understand…What are you? What did I bring here
I know you can talk, so tell me what you are.” (after this the audio sounds much more clear, not perfect though)
“Please, just say something. You haven't resumed time, and it feels like ive been here for YEARS”

- The name of the video was ”-Limbo+”
- https://www.tiktok.com/@theonlycamera_man/video/7287022565590060331
10-06-2023 #
(1. CM doesnt say Anything during this video. It's just them staring at us while videos of nukes going off play,
along with a distorted and really slowed down music song named “as the world caves in”.
2. Near the end of the video there is some audio from this video
3. At the very end of the video it glitches
and we can hear someone whispering “you're out of the way” or “get out of the water” or something else repeatedly.
(The transcript said “You're out of the way)

4. The title of the video is called “-Nihil timui” which means “I was afraid of nothing”
- https://www.tiktok.com/@theonlycamera_man/video/7287379921914268974
10-07-2023 #
(1. The researcher tries to strike up a conversation with CM and mentions how he had a fiance, or at
least he was going to make her his fiance. (What the researcher says (in an almost given up tone))
“Y'know I uh… had a fiance when you didn't have me here. Or i meant to make her my fiance. I had the
ring in my pocket, and I thought I was gonna be able to make it back; But I don't know when I am, or
if I am, or how I am. And you're not talking to me. So I guess I'm just here with the silence.”
2. CM shows the words “They're gone” and the researcher blatantly agrees then immediately questions
why CM says “They” because the researcher was only talking about one person. CM then interrupts and
shows an image of a woman and her kid, implying that the researchers girlfriend was (possibly)
pregnant at the time he was first trapped in the BlackBox) And then the researcher just cries :')

- The title of the video is “they're gone”
- https://www.tiktok.com/@theonlycamera_man/video/7287776482095533355
10-08-2023 #
(1. At the start we hear someone walking either away or up to the researcher (maybe)
2. We could hear the same whispering from the video on 10-06-2023 and at the end of the whispers
it sounds like the researcher either wakes up aggressively or is pulled out of something.
(perhaps a dream)
3. An older man then starts repeating the words “I am afraid of nothing” and the researcher
yells at the man to shut up.
4. We then see a glitchy man glitching on and off the screen for a few seconds while it looks
like they are screaming.
5. Moments later CM shows up and the researcher says “oh great, now you want attention again.
Just great” and at the end we get what I think is our first look at the blackbox.)
(6. Adding something. At the start of this video when we see the faces and the words “you're
out of the way” those faces looked similar to the faces we saw on the first video of this series)
(script) “Gee ya think you said it enough? Shut up. Just shut up. Shut Up. Shut up. Shut The HELL
UP!” and then the old man goes quiet. The weird screaming faces show up then the screen glitches
and we see CM. “oh, great. Now you want attention again….Just great”

The title of the video is “The Blackbox”
I messed around and filtered a the images to see if I could find any hidden thing (I don't
think these are anything)

- https://www.tiktok.com/@theonlycamera_man/video/7294381361060793643
0-26-2023 #
(1. It starts off with CM watching a video that makes him pissed to where he literally destroys
our planet, or just a universe entirely; throughout it we just watch it go to shit.
The video was a sentient fucking banana :D
2. We then find ourselves back in the Cafe with CM finishing the “short” and as he says that we
see the saturated image of him along with another image of a shadowy shady face with the words
“THEY'RE GONE” under the face.
3. In the silence you can hear his camera zooming in for a moment, then moments later we see the
saturated image overlapping the current camera man. Then everything goes back to normal as he
finds out we went to earth during that hell. He then offers to make us a drink as we tell him
the story as if he didnt know what happened) (this MF knows damn well what just happened)
(I also believe that this bit of the arg takes place in more current days)
(Script) Start of video: “No. No!...NOOOOO!” (vice was distorted on the last “No” video cuts
to a 2012 scene then at the end we glitch back “ike and Smile, for the CameraMan- Oh! Oh. Hey
man! Where have you been? You missed the whole short- ort- ort- ort.” camera zoom and silent
glitch of CM “Oh, you went back to earth? Neat. Here, I'll make you some coffee.
Tell me all about it”

The title of the video is “The Bananas Are alive now…”
- https://www.tiktok.com/@theonlycamera_man/video/7294440510276570410
10-26-2023 #
(1. The researcher talks about how it has been 3 weeks since the test (I believe he speaks
of the test that started this whole prison thing) He speaks about how 'he' still hasn't
moved, or showed any signs of stimulus or response to anything the researcher has attempted;
he then mentions how 'his' body is still, how 'he' still breathes, but it's like 'his' mind
is just…gone. Then we get a zoom out of the Blackbox along with the words
“The Blackbox Initiative''.
2. Moments later we get the recording of CM walking up to the researcher with a hostile
expression (slouched over a little with a white dot in the middle of his lens) as he walks up
to the researcher we can hear CM's camera zooming in and out constantly until he gets close
enough, and even then CM continues to zoom in and out.
3. The researcher asks what CM wants, mentioning how the only thing CM has done is just watch
this human.
4. Mid sentence CM glitches closer and we get a look at the eyes that form around CM.
while this happens we can hear what sounds like a recording ending) (I made a theory that this
was how CM got his voice. Because throughout this entire series CM has not talked once)
(Script: “Been 3 weeks since the test and he st- still hasn't moved or shown any signs of
stimulus or response to anything that I've attempted. His body is still here. He still
breathes; It's just… like his m- mind is…gone.” sad music queues and a drawn blackbox zooms
out with the words 'The Blackbox Initiative' then cuts to CM walking towards the researcher
with various camera zoom sounds. CM stops walking “What do you want?!” more camera zooms.
“Just let me go! You've been doing nothing but watching me this whole time anyway!” more zooms
“what do you-” glitches closer and eyes appear around CM with eery ass music. Then cuts to the
drawn blackbox again

New cafe and art style

- https://www.tiktok.com/@theonlycamera_man/video/7327780553938210094
01-24-2024 #
(1. Near the end of the video we see the video start to glitch as he talks about the different things we
could have done with our day and the video glitches more when he talks about orphans.
2. At the end of the video when he's saying 'like subscribe and smile for the cameraman' we can see the
words “you won't survive me” for a split second before the video ends)
(End bit of script. Bold font will be his voice distorted) “...Like you could've watched paint dry, grass
grow, Fist Fight An Orphan, do 500 push ups, do a 3 mile jog, Put An Orphan In A Headlock :D, Watch the
clouds, Go grocery shopping, Maybeee check off a few things on that bucket list, Y'know Drop Kick An
Orphan, Pay your bills, Walk the dog, RKO An Orphan. Like you don't have to do these things but I'm just
saying y'know. Like, subscribe and Smile For The Cameraman”

The name of the video was “The Alfredo pancake…”
- https://www.tiktok.com/@theonlycamera_man/video/7328788192407145774
01-27-2024 #
(1. He casually mentions how he's the 'friendly neighborhood “Dimension demon” CameraMan.
2. At the end of the video when he's saying 'like subscribe and smile for the cameraman' we can see
CM with the snake eyes along with what looks like a smile) (I feel like CM has a 'truer' form, if that
makes sense)
(Script: Bold font will be his voice distorted) Hey what's up its your friendly neighborhood Dimension
Demon The CameraMan :D. And before you ask, no, no orchans are getting dropkicked today until after the
first day of the tournament is over. Speaking Of Which, the first day of the tournament is finally here,
and i'm gonna be streaming most of today on Twitch. Which means not only do you get to watch some top
notch Yugioh content live, but you also get to hear commentary from yours truly, and my co host
BioBlast. You can find me on Twitch.tv/TheOnlyCameraMan and my link to it is also in my bio. So come
by the stream, say hi, watch a duel or three. And be sure to like, subscribe and Smile, for the

- https://www.tiktok.com/@theonlycamera_man/video/7356657423303593259
04-11-2024 #
(1. First thing we can see is the video literally having the words “A.R.G” which means “Alternate
Reality Game”
2. Seconds later we can see the numbers “1985” on the bottom left of the screen and an “S” or “6”
above it to the left.
3. The word “oh” pops up for a second (though I think that was just an error) (Throughout the video
it feels like two things are overlapping each other, as if one isn't meant to be there).
4. At the end of the video we see the saturated image of CM after so long; and as he is saying “we
have no need for you anymore” the numbers “” shows up the the video ends)
Throughout the video it sounds like more eerie music keeps trying to creep into the happy go lucky
(Script: Bold font will be his voice distorted) Alright, it's time to start a civil war. Um,
waffles are fundamentally better than pancakes. Now I know that comment has you Flat Batter
Flippers frothing at the mouth, but allow me to enlighten you with a perspective that's not from
the fucking stone age. Number one, before I state my case, if you like pancakes, there's no
problem with that. It has its advantages and disadvantages.” eerie music starts to creep in “However,
if you like waffles, you are simply superior in every way and you should be at the pinnacle of
humanity. You see, the structural integrity of a waffle and it's indents allow you to get more
of what you want in a pancake that you simply can't have because you have a skill issue. If you
put a lot of syrup on a pancake, right, and then you take a bite of that bitch, all right, the
rest of the pancake is gonna be soggy and it's gonna start breaking down like your parents'
marriage. While I'll be here on the right side of history” the word 'A.R.G' pops up for a
split second “The structural integrity of our waffles” the year” '1985' pops up along with
an 'S' or '6' “simply doesn't allow it to do such a thing. If the glorious structural integrity
of a waffle breaks down to some simple, mere syrup, then I'll see it as nothing but pancake
propaganda. And I will see to it that'll be dealt with accordingly. In my new perfect world
order, we will know balance, structure. and integrity; as is the position of the great waffle.
Now admit, you Pancake Lovers, right, walk so that way the waffle can run. All right, there's
no problem with that. Heh, but your time is over Hehahaha” dramatic ass inhale “Its gone” image
of CM shows up with the thumbers '' “We Have No Need For You Anymore”

- https://www.youtube.com/shorts/zMQT12StzsQ
(At the end of the video when hes saying “smile for the cameraman” the words “Nomen meum nihil est”
and so far for google translate i have is "Name, mine, nothing, it is" BUT a moderator said it was
“My name is nothing”

- https://www.youtube.com/shorts/pphd9QfIiO4
05-04-2024 (DUPLICATE)
At the end of the video After he says smile for the cameraman the screen glitches then ends
as if an old ty was turning off
The script was about this man not knowing when to keep information to his fucking self

- https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LX7FYJNxpAk
(During his outro, the words “It's cold here” along with the 3 hexagons and a white dot
above the words
The Script for the video is just him talking about him being an animator and showing off
a couple of them. He shows the one with him using Camera Style: Snap Fist and fucking
obliterating a big ass monkey. The second video was the fight between CM and TV

- https://www.youtube.com/shorts/A1Po54JA19Y
05-07-2024 #
At the end of the video he couldn't even get through the “Smile” part before this pops up

- https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sLdmvD2qVr0
At the end of the video when he's saying “Smile” the screen glitches and we see the same figure
as yesterday but now the eye is more spiral like and he has a creepy ass smile
We also hear someone screaming in the background as we see that figure

The script was just speaking about the Jake
Paul vs Mike Tyson fight (Jake Paul is going to get his ass HANDED to him if this isn't scripted)
The title of the video was "I CAN'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH THAT TAKE BRO…”
- https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TIF3dHJUdFI
Yeah we gonna ignore the script for thin one (Just a pro-shipper that needs to be suplexed
into the shadow realm)
At the end of the short….im not even sure how to describe it so here's the image for it

- https://www.youtube.com/shorts/g68PjWuwKMI
The ending was 4th wall breaking shit

- https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hbOkaGf7-XY
05-14-2024 # (DELETED)
There was just a bunch of fuck shit while advertising his live stream.
The audio he used for his “nihil timui” (10-06-2023)
When he said “Smile” there was no glitching, he just stopped talking and we could hear the
camera zooming in
The screen glitched and it said “Good Idea” with the tall figure from a few videos ago
It showed the black box image